
Showing posts from November 26, 2015

A Rainbow of life's happenings - selection of writings I have collected over the years

Shimmering reflections  part 1 The sea is a pallet of colors. The mystical shimmers of sunshine which interludes with the deep spectacular ocean.  All the shades that the ocean possesses are somewhat a miracle as is all things created. The shades of green, blue, purple are only the influence of color that reflect from the see that I see. The tint of green that runs through the sea vary from the ever so dazzling jewel of emerald - that remains in my dreams around my left fourth finger, to the delicious color of the rich olive that leaves your mouth watering by glancing at the canvas of its beauty. If I look carefully, I will notice how blue the waves are in the distance. As blue as the stunning and sophisticated sapphire that dressed my neck.  The shade of serenity is casually amidst this aquatic bath. I will glance out to the distance and see a sparkle on a wave, just like the shiniest amethyst. A breathtaking view. Whatever have I done in my lifetime to have been worthy of such a b


'Waves' - artwork by Rosa Carrafa To 'go with the flow' through life is a phrase that is used so loosely at times. What does it really mean to me? In the past to flow through life meant to take things as they come. Take every piece of it in the face. To go with the flow caused me to be at other's disposal. Wait until they were ready to do something, see me, talk to me, hire me, return my call etc This 'flow' thing has so many meanings. It is also used to please the one person. How can this 'flow' mean the same thing for others? This is where it can become a little distorted. Does this 'flow' have hidden conditions? Does this 'flow' have an agenda? 'Going with the flow' it can also be a selfish thing if you just keep moving forward through your life and knock those that love you out the way. There is nothing wrong with 'going with the flow' if you are considerate of those that are truly there for you. Ask