
Showing posts from November 28, 2015

Flowers & Colors

My thoughts are with flowers. Flowers of white, yellow, pink, blue and orange. Flowers are so sweet and yet can be so somber. When does one give flowers? When we are born then when we die. Just like the flower our lives mimic the cycle of nature.        White is the color of purity. Re-birth or new life. As sweet as the new born babe who makes their way into the world. Pure is the love of a mother to a child.        Yellow is the color of happiness. Friendships and gathering of long time relationships between those who have known one another a lifetime. A childhood friend or a close knit social circle. This is the color of the joyful sun.        Pink is the color of love and elegance. A pink flower is as sweet as the kisses from your love. A soft caress that brushes against your cheek. A pink flower is for life. Once a pink flower is given, keep it close.  Blue is the color of peace. Peace of love, peace for all the unspoken words that haven't been shared. Blue flowe


To feel victorious. What is it to you to feel victory? At what cost will you invest to claim victory? It all depends on the type of victory you are referring to. Is it the victory over ego or humility? Career or personal? Either one, your skill of diligence is required. Do you need to study or further your knowledge? This is the area that can keep you on a thinking path. To be fulfilled in this area financially, it may require further knowledge as we all know that ignorance in your chosen career path will only lead you to the road of nowhere. How much investment is needed for you to be successful in this area? Have you done your research into how you are going to come up with the funds to carry you through to the next level? These questions and more have been asked over and over. Do I have the answers? NO. For if I did, what challenges will there be left for you to experience? How will you celebrate your victory in this area if you were given all the answers and carried through it? I