
Showing posts from May 30, 2017

15 seconds to say or do something that will make a difference to you..WHAT WILL IT BE?

15 seconds to say or do something that will make a difference to you..WHAT WILL IT BE? I have asked this question often to those around me, the most common response is ‘make more money’ – SURPRISE!  No, really, it is not a surprise as the majority of humans want financial freedom for diverse reasons.  The most common is related to financial comfort- ie: supply for families, paying bills, debts, holidays and for health expenses. Why am I addressing this question?                There is so much going on around us on a daily basis and although, we are generally, charitable beings – personal needs in material and assets are important. Should you feel guilty for addressing this 15 seconds with ‘ I would like more money’?                 Heck NO! We live in a consumer based society and realistically, money is ‘what makes the world go round’. Without it how do we feed our families and provide the simple things yet necessary things that keep us from being cold, hungry and c