
Showing posts from January 26, 2016

The secret I have

"I may not be as attractive as some women. I know who I am, a woman of substance and I am confident in what I represent: honor and value. In everything I do, I do with passion and commitment .Just like you, life is not easy all the time. If it was, we wouldn't have anything to celebrate when we do reach our desired goals". RC So my life has not turned out as 'planned'. Does that make me any different from you? I am absolutely accepting of how I am at this very moment of my life. I am so grateful for my health and fitness levels that on a personal level I am content as to where I am with it. I train as much as I can. I listen to my body, what it needs and wants. Just as I do to my mind, heart and soul. I am at the stage of my life where I must continue to move forward as I am completely in control of how I 'fuel' myself for my next challenge in life.  I have noticed that when I am still and neglecting my exercises or the foods that I induce, my total