
Showing posts from April 6, 2016

To try is to give up.

As I am maturing I am more confident and independent in the area of what I want and also what I need not only on a personal level but also on a whole. I am not one to invest my self in a project and then give up. I most certainly am not the person who runs away and gives up or become someone I am not on a personal level especially when it comes to relationships. Bear in mind these relationships are those on all levels, personal and professional. To 'try' is definately something that I have come across many times of late and I have addressed it in a previous article. How does one try to give? You either give or you don't. There really is no trickery or anything complex about it. You either want or you don't want.  This 'try' gives you permission to give up even before you commence. I am a firm believer that to aim and compromise with how you want to get things done, especially when it involves another person is the only way forward to a happier and more fulfi