
Showing posts from December 10, 2015


Growing up as I did was always filled with so much excitement. One of my favorite memories was when dad would become spontaneous on a Saturday night and we will all pack up to go to the drive-ins to watch the latest movie. As the eldest of 4, I would remember dad doing this quite often as he regarded this as his fun time with us in the car. We would bring along a blanket and also I remember wearing my pajamas a couple of times. An eski will be packed with drinks and snacks to top us off after our predictable KFC family bucket that dad always stopped by to buy on the way. As kids we would sit in the back with one always fighting for the front middle seat. I remember vividly as we drove into the drive-ins that we would wonder what it was we would be watching tonight. Back then there was always the second screen shown behind us with another movie, it was so cheeky of us as kids as we would also lean on our knees and watch the screen behind us, even though we didn't hear any sound. My