
Showing posts from March 4, 2016

Can you not see, feel and hear me?

'Being out there' is not as easy as some would think. This is in reference to all those who 'see, feel & hear' as empaths. Yes, it is a topic of scrutiny. It is also one that delivers unknown fears for others that make up the empaths' life. This ability is not unusual as I will dare say that we all hold this inside of us - only many are well aware of what they have and others, well they may just choose to 'ignore' it. I have been challenged over time due to this fact. Many respect me for it, others are unsure of how to have me as apart of their life. What those who are new to me or those who already have an established relationship with me don't know is that it is NOT as simple as I make out to be me. That's right. Its damn hard. I have expressed myself to others in so many ways and yet that too may not be enough. I often ask myself these questions: Why is it so difficult for me to receive love the way I give it? Why can you not see my heart a