
Showing posts from March 25, 2017

Read. Read.Read.

" Read. Read. Read.  I have had the love of reading from the very first time I understood what those letters were in front of me as a little girl. I was addicted to words, books, paper and the SMELL of a new book as I flicked the pages of it in front of my nose. Wondering, what was in between the pages.  Where will my imagination of bringing those characters to life take me?  Read. Read. Read .  It exercises your imagination!" ~ RC Read. Artist unknown.

What is truth?

Carlo Baldessari Simelli; Date created: 1860sption What is truth? "Your truth may not be my truth. Your truth hides between your cold breath. Your truth lingers on your twisted tongue. My truth is  warm on my breath. My truth rolls from my soft tongue. I dare you to speak your lies that you say truth. I stand tall over you as you now shrink in your lies. " ~ RC

You take only what I give.

Golden sun meets My confidence - Artworks Rosa Carrafa "Your eyes pierce me as you look from a far. I stop with fear. Your gaze has me still as you talk with your eyes. I stand with fear. Your rays of heat that penetrate from your eyes, burn mine. I shiver with fear. You blink as you step closer, yet your eyes don't move. I sigh as I remember how tired of fearing I am. You can take only what I give. I give you no more. " ~RC