
Showing posts from January 4, 2016

I am who I am

I have spent so much time with people over the years, that it is safe to state that not all have the same intentions as I or you have. My personal encounter with people on a whole has been quite consistent over the years. I have learnt to separate those who have hurt, ridiculed and abused me from those who have been supportive, honest and real. Of course the above 'categories' are a generalization, there are plenty more areas that I can allocate headings for certain personalities. In my world there is no room for judgement. You either accept another for who they are or wish them the very best and keep moving forward. There really is no in between. I have 'settled' in the past and this 'settle' has not done me any favors without having to compromise myself for them or the situation. Many could be firing questions right now, however, if you are one of those people who feel this relates to you, you are more than welcome to contact me, if it means you feeling at ea