
Showing posts from January 9, 2016

The strength of love through generations.

'Love balance - opposites love' ~ Artist Rosa Carrafa 'Love has no boundaries for compromise. Just as the water flower -lily grows in the water, the rose grows from the earth. One thing they both need to flourish is love. This love is from the nurturing it receives from creation. Air, sun and water.'~ RC I question myself on why relationships rarely survive in this modern society? I have answers that may not be satisfying to you however, to me they do make sense. I think back to how I was as a child and how the affection between my parents were openly displayed. They held hands, kissed, hugged, rested a hand on one another's lap while sitting beside one another and even we as children jumped in their bed for a cuddle they smiled at one another with obvious love. My parents are the reason I love as much as I do and also with this vision of love I have, I also want to feel this with the one man in my life too. This very thing leads me to how this questio