
Showing posts from December 5, 2015

A rainbow of life's happenings - part 2

White petals of sorrow This is a personal account of written works that I have collected over the years. All I share on here is from the heart that in turn, may cause you to know me better. Perhaps as a person who has fears, tears, dreams and love just like you. This piece is something that relates to May 14, 1984. I was 14 at the this time. I write this as I remember how I felt. To go back in time is excruciating but necessary so to bring this to the surface to acknowledge, learn & pass it on. Rain washed my hair and slowly drizzled its way down to my feet. I looked to the sky in search of my ever so loyal clouds and they weren't there. It was grey and cold. I felt sad. I looked down to my feet and saw that my once beautiful red patent shoes have now become wet and grey. Where was the shine in them? I was searching for my reflection in my shoes. I lost it. It rained and rained for what seemed forever. My face was continuously wet. I made not a sound. Silently, I wiped