
Showing posts from November 15, 2015

'Where art comes to life'

I had a vision many years ago that my artwork will be seen by many, only I didn't know HOW. I come from a family of creative people. My father for one, was my inspiration. I will elaborate on him some other time. I would like to share that I have been blessed with the gift of creativity, as we all have - using a brush, drawing, sewing and music. My adoration for the arts was developed from a very young age as dad would just draw away with his pencil he carried in his pocket at any given opportunity. It began then as my cousins also display this exact same gift. As I would grow into a teen and art classes began more my hide away of creative heaven than a subject - I would just feel the freedom that was lingering in the air. This same drive I held on to as i matured into an adult and eventually a mother. I had times where I would just paint or draw away and then casually give my work away, some to friends, many to strangers. Just recently, I finally created my own Devotional In

I began to REALLY listen, feel & see

I have worked in Melbourne & Sydney Australia, All with people & dealt with co-operations both major & minor. My journey has taken me to Italy & Greece where I further developed my knowledge of spiritual development & FINALLY HAD MADE THE CONNECTION WITH THE TRADITIONAL TAROT—IT ACTUALLY MADE SENSE! As many would know the Traditional tarot takes many years to master or develop a relationship with—I AM STILL LEARNING & WILL BE UNTIL MY LAST BREATH! As life has it I have now been reading tarot for over 20yrs+ and have since this ‘awakening’ in Europe did I SEE & FEEL the connection to the ‘story’ of the tarot. I studied the history, the developer, the artist & all the diverse interpretations that were out there. It is as a result of this experience that I was led to an amazing lady back many years ago who was then and still remains my LIFE MENTOR— especially with developing these ‘abilities’ that I have. This woman was able to assist me gain confidence

Messages from above

Apart from the fact that I have been receiving, dreaming, seeing, feeling, hearing etc for all of my life. I cannot pin point the exact time my first experience was. Was it the fact that I dream of things that then happened? Was it the exact voices & words I heard before they were spoken? Was it the fact that I saw how my present life was going to back when I was younger? Many can validate these. Many won’t acknowledge them. Does it make a difference? No. As I believe & trust in only one other & that is God our creator. We all have a belief system. Without prejudice I ask that you take this time as you read this who do you trust? Who do you love? Who do you rely on? Our culture is so vivid & colorful that there really is no room for prejudice. This may seem controversial to you however I also take into consideration our past. ‘Love the sinner NOT the sin’ ~ The Great Creator. I have traveled & been blessed with experiences that some I rather have not h


Thank you for being courageous & taking the initial move towards making this about YOUR LIFE & YOUR JOURNEY. You have already commenced & taking charge of your own WANT to NEED to either develop your confidence or to get back on those tracks after experiencing something human like ‘challenges’ in life. How about I share with you that YOU ARE NOT ALONE & YOU ARE ALREADY on your way to your desired destination? Life is a journey. Life is like a road trip. Buckle up & avoid those bumps, curves, unexpected stops & traffic along the way. Male. Female. No matter your age or your life experiences or qualifications WE ARE ALL HUMAN. Those that have traveled my journey so far will know that I am adamant with the phrase ‘NEVER GIVE UP HOPE’. I have been called a ‘dreamer’ by someone very dear to my heart. This one 7 letter word has remained with me ever since. I have ‘love’ to thank for my inspiration to create & trust my intuition to lead me in the direction tha