
Showing posts from June 7, 2016

Hold my hand.

TOGETHERNESS - It fills ones' loneliness. It nourishes your sense of belonging. It gives you hope. For tonight, lets pray that those who feel without hope will have feel that they are loved. For those who know of one who feels this way - PLEASE give out your hand. If your hand gets rejected, please give it again tomorrow. If then it gets rejected again - the repeat.  'Togetherness ' artist Rosa Carrafa


CLAIR SENSES This group or collage of  word phrase includes any or all types of psychic sensitivity corresponding to the senses: seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling, tasting, touching. Clair Senses in psychic terms are translated: Clairvoyance  clairaudience  clairsentience  clairscent  clairtangency and  clairgustance.  Many extra abilities included among these are clairempathy and channeling. I will be following up with a write up containing each of the above clairs and my personal experiences with them. There are so many theories related to all these senses and how one has the ability to 'work' with them.  My belief is that you have them. To teach one any of the above is something I have reservations about as how do you teach a cat that he can fly like a bird when instincts are clearly part of who the cat is.  For one, he does not have wings or the equipment,physical attributes or instincts to actually want or need to fly.  This is much like us earth h