
Showing posts from April 11, 2017

'EVERYONE is human'

'The cycle or lifespan between birth and death is very REAL. There is no denying that this cycle exists.' ~ Rosa Carrafa 'EVERYONE is human' ' EVERYONE grieves at some stage of their lives.  EVERYONE loses a loved one. EVERYONE cries through loss. EVERYONE wants to believe that this is merely a dream. EVERYONE remembers their last time with them. EVERYONE is born. EVERYONE dies.' ~  Rosa Carrafa Being up front about life and death can be daunting to some.  I am no stranger to grief, therefore makes me no different to you and others.  The cycle or lifespan between birth  and death is very  REAL. There is no denying that this cycle exists. It may be the only cycle in life  that we may agree on. HOW we see it and live it,  is the only difference. 'EVERYONE'  is my perception for the sake of  this piece of literacy. Do you have something to share? You are welcome to d