Fear of change?

Its been a week of reflection on CHANGE at Spiritual Aspects. There has been a variation of thoughts shared that can really open up another avenue for those who feel they have come at crossroads. Are you one of those people who fear change? Do you run the opposite direction when you feel a change in your life is coming towards you? Why? Your fear is part of being human and the running sensation that goes through you is generated by this fear. Of course, neither one makes you more or less of a person. Be warned that if you keep running, you may be hitting a brick wall.
These fears of changes can be a trigger that have stemmed from a past experience. This experience may have been through a time in your life where you felt comfortable and then out of nowhere you were presented with an unexpected action or push from another. This could possibly have caused you to be forced to change your circumstances and quite possibly your environment. The most common of these changes are relationship related. Being let down, betrayed or even without any explanation. When you are forced in a situation of this change, this can be not only hurtful but also so devastating that it literally shakes you up and you hit the lowest point of your life. These changes of the week that have been discussed amount to emotional changes being of the most affected. This fear of change from a once stable, platonic & loving relationship - so you thought, took its turn for the worse - the very opposite. Let this be known that this change of circumstance in your personal life must be addressed as this can then lead you towards repetitiveness throughout your future relations with people in general. This change, can affect your career, family & social networks,
To know that you are not alone in feeling this fear of change can be a relief. You are human and you are worth so much more to someone. More than you think. You are reading this and this is an indication that you care about yourself. You care more about yourself now than you did yesterday. What you had was not enough. You deserve much more, This change is leading you towards a brighter and more fulfilling tomorrow. This future of yours is out there ready for you to catch up. You may reach it solo, if you do, know that your journey will reach its destination - or You may have that one person who has always stood by you hold your hand the whole way. Regardless which of the two you choose you are going to make it. Face this fear of change with acceptance. Once your situation is accepted by you then you can move on to the purpose of this change.
Have you ever thought that this change is actually your road to your destination? It is your choice. You are in charge of how you behave with your thoughts. Your thoughts become not only actions but also come with consequences. Change can be fearful. Change can also teach you to fear no longer. Change can unite you with your life partner. You can grow with change. You can grow together with that person who holds your hand and perhaps see the moon glisten together and wonder how through all its phases it still is so beautiful. Only then will you appreciate how much the moon sees, hears and feels. Its majestic beauty is surrounded by its life experiences - the stars.
'Silver moon' Artwork by Rosa Carrafa
