Flowers & Colors

My thoughts are with flowers. Flowers of white, yellow, pink, blue and orange. Flowers are so sweet and yet can be so somber. When does one give flowers? When we are born then when we die. Just like the flower our lives mimic the cycle of nature. 
White is the color of purity. Re-birth or new life. As sweet as the new born babe who makes their way into the world. Pure is the love of a mother to a child. 
Yellow is the color of happiness. Friendships and gathering of long time relationships between those who have known one another a lifetime. A childhood friend or a close knit social circle. This is the color of the joyful sun. 
 Pink is the color of love and elegance. A pink flower is as sweet as the kisses from your love. A soft caress that brushes against your cheek. A pink flower is for life. Once a pink flower is given, keep it close. 

Blue is the color of peace. Peace of love, peace for all the unspoken words that haven't been shared. Blue flowers are so pretty and rare that their beauty leaves you breathless. Blue flowers are also favored by spiritualists as it the color of our mother Mary. 

Orange is the color for intuition. It also is the color of strength that assists with your emotions. As I look at the orange flower I feel relief and a sensation of recovery. Orange is also a color associated with tears and lower body reactions to emotions related to love. 

As a person who is dedicated to expression of the arts, literature and love I share all my writings intuitively. My personal experiences have become a part of how I feel and see colors. I will welcome your views on colors. 

H' Daisies - Artwork by Rosa Carrafa
