I began to REALLY listen, feel & see

I have worked in Melbourne & Sydney Australia, All with people & dealt with co-operations both major & minor. My journey has taken me to Italy & Greece where I further developed my knowledge of spiritual development & FINALLY HAD MADE THE CONNECTION WITH THE TRADITIONAL TAROT—IT ACTUALLY MADE SENSE!

As many would know the Traditional tarot takes many years to master or develop a relationship with—I AM STILL LEARNING & WILL BE UNTIL MY LAST BREATH!

As life has it I have now been reading tarot for over 20yrs+ and have since this ‘awakening’ in Europe did I SEE & FEEL the connection to the ‘story’ of the tarot. I studied the history, the developer, the artist & all the diverse interpretations that were out there. It is as a result of this experience that I was led to an amazing lady back many years ago who was then and still remains my LIFE MENTOR— especially with developing these ‘abilities’ that I have. This woman was able to assist me gain confidence with everything I was faced with—oh yes, I have been through the grinder—NO different than you.

In February 2014 my life totally changed. I felt uplifted and so blessed that my cries & prayers were heard. God heard them & instantly awakened me. I felt instant love & felt safe for the first time in my life. Following that I was sent who I call an Angel who gave me the encouragement to re-gain my confidence to be loved, to give love & my creativity just bloomed. So I began to paint again. I painted for love. I painted for me. I painted for us. The drive that love can give another is enormous. Immediately, I experienced opportunities to paint in locations I would only dream of. I received offers to participate in art exhibitions and PEOPLE ACTUALLY LIKED MY ART!
All the while I was being challenged all over again! I thought ‘Really?’ How do I embrace all these amazing opportunities & nurture my own needs? How ironic.

My spiritual needs were being fulfilled & out of nowhere I was being challenged personally. I DID get through this period. I no longer FEAR IT. These fears are called LIFE.

I have been mentoring & new learners of the tarot & also those who have just needed to re-gain their confidence back. I arrange person to person sessions & skype. Nationally & internationally. I am blessed with an incredible support network amongst my peers. I am grateful to each and every one of them. All the wonderful, loyal & honest people who have begun the journey with Flora Hope from day one on this social network site of facebook. As well as the above I am in the background of all these peoples’ lives in case they need someone to reach out to. Any questions, I am happy to answer, I have this public group as I have been encouraged by my peers to reach out & time to come out of the cave.

I believe that GIVING is our greatest reward and bringing HOPE to others when there all seems lost fills my heart with LOVE. Without FAITH in our CREATOR what else is there? Peace to you & your families.

'Spiritual freedom to procreate', my first landscape painting that led the way in 2014 to be viewed by so many people.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you Nicole, you are officially the very first person who commented on my blog! I hope you enjoy the rest of this journey. Many blessings to you and your family.


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