Messages from above

Apart from the fact that I have been receiving, dreaming, seeing, feeling, hearing etc for all of my life. I cannot pin point the exact time my first experience was.

Was it the fact that I dream of things that then happened?
Was it the exact voices & words I heard before they were spoken?
Was it the fact that I saw how my present life was going to back when I was younger?
Many can validate these. Many won’t acknowledge them. Does it make a difference? No.
As I believe & trust in only one other & that is God our creator. We all have a belief system.

Without prejudice I ask that you take this time as you read this who do you trust?
Who do you love?
Who do you rely on?

Our culture is so vivid & colorful that there really is no room for prejudice. This may seem controversial to you however I also take into consideration our past. ‘Love the sinner NOT the sin’ ~ The Great Creator.

I have traveled & been blessed with experiences that some I rather have not had led, however ALL have a piece in my life puzzle—MAKING ME WHO I AM NOW. My relationships with people have been without a doubt all very unique. I have seen things I have rather not have seen. I have heard things that I rather not have heard. ALL these good & not so good have made me this person I AM NOW.

I have the natural ability to read the tarot. Italian playing cards are much the same. We would all play with family & all will then receive a little explanation from our grandmother on a random card i.e.: The Ace of Pentacle was referred as ‘Asso di pentacolo’ —’ oh you are so lucky with money!’ - ‘sei fortunata!’ - translated
