
To feel victorious. What is it to you to feel victory? At what cost will you invest to claim victory?
It all depends on the type of victory you are referring to. Is it the victory over ego or humility? Career or personal? Either one, your skill of diligence is required.
Do you need to study or further your knowledge? This is the area that can keep you on a thinking path. To be fulfilled in this area financially, it may require further knowledge as we all know that ignorance in your chosen career path will only lead you to the road of nowhere. How much investment is needed for you to be successful in this area? Have you done your research into how you are going to come up with the funds to carry you through to the next level? These questions and more have been asked over and over. Do I have the answers? NO. For if I did, what challenges will there be left for you to experience? How will you celebrate your victory in this area if you were given all the answers and carried through it? Its clear that to be successful in your area you need to do the ground work. Spend your time with those who are on the similar journey as yours. I stress similar not like yours as we are all different. This way you can all learn from one another and pull each other up when one is 'slacking'. Your success in this area really does depend on how much you desire this. Are you going to just wallow and wait for it to come to you? Or are you really going to go get that victory flag and wave it proudly upon reaching your goal? These are all questions that some really don't  think about.  Very few actually do something about it. Another questions is, How many times have you been given an opportunity and just shrugged your shoulders and put it off as being, silly, too hard work or simply too lazy to even spend the time envisioning it? Do you know that vision has an almost flawless success rate in getting to your destination? It may not be the Diamond position but hey, it could be Sapphire - for now. Yes, for now as it may do you some good to sit in that zone for a little while to reflect on your position. Congratulate yourself
Rosa Carrafa
on the seat and start working on your next strategy to get to your Diamond position. Everything is doable with will power and vision. Keep it real and do it. For further details please contact me on how you can reach your goals.
