Thank you for being courageous & taking the initial move towards making this about YOUR LIFE & YOUR JOURNEY. You have already commenced & taking charge of your own WANT to NEED to either develop your confidence or to get back on those tracks after experiencing something human like ‘challenges’ in life. How about I share with you that YOU ARE NOT ALONE & YOU ARE ALREADY on your way to your desired destination?

Life is a journey. Life is like a road trip. Buckle up & avoid those bumps, curves, unexpected stops & traffic along the way. Male. Female. No matter your age or your life experiences or qualifications WE ARE ALL HUMAN. Those that have traveled my journey so far will know that I am adamant with the phrase ‘NEVER GIVE UP HOPE’.

I have been called a ‘dreamer’ by someone very dear to my heart. This one 7 letter word has remained with me ever since. I have ‘love’ to thank for my inspiration to create & trust my intuition to lead me in the direction that I am needed to go. What if I tell you my intuition HAS NOT let me down once? I lead my life without prejudice. I love, cry, bleed, laugh, eat, and sleep just like you. I have also felt like my whole existence would just fade away & no one will ever miss me nor remember me the day that I leave this earth & go dance among the Angels.
My passion for nature & life are my inspiration. Without FAITH, HOPE & LOVE we have nothing. This is how I live my life. This is what I preach & practice among my family, friends & all the new people that have come into my life in regards to who I am & what I do. I may not have the support from everyone in my life as to what I do or how I choose to live my life, but that doesn't mean that we are not loved. 
Too much emphasis is put into what & how we do as individuals. This is a controversial topic for some for one may believe that to love you must accept all they do. How about if I share with you that this is not entirely humanly possible? I am an intuitive reader of the traditional tarot and modern decks including oracles. I have a connection with the dreams we have, An empath, healer and guide. I mentor those starting out and those who have been just stuck; 1 on 1 in person or in a small group.

With great pride I am in debt to my family for who I am today. Growing up in a European family led by the one & only matriarch Mamma`- grandmother. We give all this credit of knowledge to this remarkable, creative, dedicated & highly spirited woman. In my family we each hold a ‘gift’, including those before us. With a blend of my own, modern & 'old fashioned' or 'basic-no fuss' healing methods I reach out to many. I am all about the NOW & how to assist YOU IN YOUR LIFE TODAY FOR A MORE SUCCESSFUL TOMORROW. 

I much prefer to not label myself with a title of my God’s gifts. I truly believe in demonstrating humility & maintaining control of one’s ego. Commercially, I am considered to hold various ‘skills or gifts’. I leave these entirely up to my peers, learners & clients to determine these categories. Clairvoyance and or 'future predictions' I have been doing this naturally since I was a young girl. Medium ship has been developed over many years of understanding and learning how to communicate with them and when to allow them 'in' has taken time to develop - remember we need to be in control of our own spirit gifts as these are a PRIVILEGE. 
