'Where art comes to life'

I had a vision many years ago that my artwork will be seen by many, only I didn't know HOW. I come from a family of creative people. My father for one, was my inspiration. I will elaborate on him some other time. I would like to share that I have been blessed with the gift of creativity, as we all have - using a brush, drawing, sewing and music. My adoration for the arts was developed from a very young age as dad would just draw away with his pencil he carried in his pocket at any given opportunity. It began then as my cousins also display this exact same gift.

As I would grow into a teen and art classes began more my hide away of creative heaven than a subject - I would just feel the freedom that was lingering in the air. This same drive I held on to as i matured into an adult and eventually a mother.

I had times where I would just paint or draw away and then casually give my work away, some to friends, many to strangers.

Just recently, I finally created my own Devotional Inspirational cards which display selected artworks with accompanying messages on the back of them. This is my way of bringing all that I have done into one package,

I then had the thought of how to present these little treasures. They are the size of a business card but I am so happy with them. How can something so small be so beautiful? Was the message I received one morning through my heart. I knew right then that they deserved a special place to live as they would make their home among other families. ( will go in depth about my anxiety in separating with my artworks later on). So, a vision of a little box of HOPE was given to me in a dream.

This was the beginning of this new chapter of 'Where art comes to life', which were launched in Melbourne, September 2015. Ever since, it has been a wonderful experience. Reaching so many people from so many diverse cultures and backgrounds.

These special little boxes, once the lids are lifted, feel like 'magic' has just been sprinkled all over you. I hope that you too, will have the opportunity to own a set of these special cards, all designed from the heart - my life experiences.

'Cornucopia', acrylic on canvas.
This artwork hold the message of this journey - planting your seeds, nurturing and them collecting your harvest of abundance. Your hard work of dedication is bringing you rewards.
