My first grown up novel as a child

Gosh I was such a hopeless romantic as a young girl. I would look at the world just as I perceived my parents' relationship. It wasn't always easy, but with love there was nothing they couldn't get through. Yes, I use this phrase today as I truly believe that it is so true. I am who I am. You either like me or not. I am such a dreamer and probably always will be. I was told once that it is perfectly ok to dream. This I heard once as I was at primary school. I would literally read and read until my eyes bulged out out. Curling up on my bed reading my first 'grown up' novel was 'The dark is rising' i was in grade 6. It has left an impression on me that being dreamy was perfectly acceptable in this world of characters that were in between the pages of all my books that I got lost in. The adventure in this book was amazing.
So, maybe it wasn't all that 'normal' to be a reading enthusiast at such a young age, but I really felt the connection to what the authors were trying to project to their readers. I did wonder though how a selection of words could possibly create such a powerful affect on me. Did others feel the same way? I was different i guess from the other members of my family, certainly from my siblings that is for sure, I can hear my sister laughing now as she would be reading this now as an adult and express to others how I was a book nerd..haha...yes sis..I can hear you now!
So here we have it, As I was then I am still very much the same. A book nerd - not so much but definitely different and still  have the love of how words can be so powerful. So powerful in fact that it can make a difference to another regardless if they are spoken or written.  
Thank you to Miss Maureen Bourke who was my teacher in grades 3 and 6 who introduced me to the passion of reading. 
I do remember this cover and it was the 1st of the series.
