
Respect has been addressed today a few times. I listen to many people throughout my day and the prime question is 'Why don't I receive the respect I deserve?'. Well, this all begins with you. If you give yourself this respect, as in show others what you are worth then it will generate to others to follow suit. Think about it, if the leader of school or work environment does not value themselves then their position will be of little effect to the rest of the community.
We will begin with you as a person. How do you see yourself as a person? Are you a person with determination? Do you serve yourself the same way you give to others? Do you practice what you preach? Do you love yourself without the validation of another?
There can me mixed reactions to the above questions. It is fine either way you choose to interpret them.
Take me for example, I have escalated many times in this particular area. Respect is a major thing for all of us. I do give respect to my elders, family, friends and especially to those who I consider to be close to my heart. What has happened when I felt let down or experienced a moment of no respect? I would cry initially, then would feel confused as to why. This may go on for a couple of days and sometimes weeks. This is to show you that yes, I am human just as you and know, I am not without insecurities.
It is taking a lot of work to move forward from these emotions. I will also say that I am learning so much. This is a learning experience for all of us. This is why we are here as humans. To learn and get better at what we do then to pass this knowledge on to others who may benefit.
Respect for me is a huge thing. I give respect not only to those in authority positions but also to those I love very much. I have fallen many times on my knees and grazed them even until they bleed at times to learn this lesson. I am eventually learning more and more with each experience.
Once this is learnt, I take it on board and sit with those I love and let them know how their actions have affected me. Bear in mind there is no age barrier in this subject. I teach my children this exact way, It is simple and doable. It can be copied over and over to pass through to anyone. The only thing that changes is the language used and situation.
Once this is discussed, each person affected will feel relieved in time. You, feeling disrespected will feel a sense of worth as you stood up for yourself with diligence and should be proud of yourself as you used assertiveness and compassion at the same time. The other person, will also feel relieved as they may not have been aware of their behavior towards you. This will also give them the opportunity to look further into their own selves and reflect on their actions towards others.
So, the moral of this is : If you love yourself enough and really want to be respected, give it to yourself first.
'Famliy love' - Artwork Rosa Carrafa
