I am not the apple that you try to eat

Society has their own version of what is expectant in today's world. Of late, I have been questioning what is okay in today's world of relationships?
With so many opinions, I decided to stick it out with mine. I understand that not many will understand my views or how I would even choose to live as I do or with the certain people I like to have around me. It is my life and mine to live. If you love me, then you will accept all that I do and if not, at least find a way to support me. It isn't hard really.
Yes, I am not the only one who has experienced love at its best and at its worse. So what is it's worse? Is it the fact that not everyone approves of how I live my life? Or is it the obvious fact that I believe in patience and not deserting those who may be going through a rough time? If I love you, you will know about it. Each one of you are different in how we communicate. We all differ in our love languages. So I do make certain that I find a way to reach out to you using the words or actions that you are able to understand.
My thoughts with this piece is related to the love who I choose to have in my private life.Also, it is of my business and not yours to tear up nor judge. All this may come across as a surprise, however, I don't find myself judging your life.
I have invested so much of myself in love. My love is not something that is to be taken for granted. I have heard the 'I am sorry' before. I have even heard the 'I promise to try harder'. Personally, the word 'try' for me is a way out for you. By 'trying' this gives you the permission to either ignore or give up before even 'doing it'. Is my love something you 'try' with? Is my love an apple you try to eat and if not, do you throw me out as you do the pulp? The seeds of the apple core become part of the earth and eventually join its roots to the soil and grow again. My love is something that is a privilege. It is a feeling and a choice we as humans have. Do you want it or not? I am not the
apple that you try eating, My love isn't recyclable. It is real.
