I am who I am

I have spent so much time with people over the years, that it is safe to state that not all have the same intentions as I or you have. My personal encounter with people on a whole has been quite consistent over the years. I have learnt to separate those who have hurt, ridiculed and abused me from those who have been supportive, honest and real. Of course the above 'categories' are a generalization, there are plenty more areas that I can allocate headings for certain personalities.
In my world there is no room for judgement. You either accept another for who they are or wish them the very best and keep moving forward. There really is no in between. I have 'settled' in the past and this 'settle' has not done me any favors without having to compromise myself for them or the situation. Many could be firing questions right now, however, if you are one of those people who feel this relates to you, you are more than welcome to contact me, if it means you feeling at ease with yourself. Life is meant to be lived, not compromised.
So how does one like myself get from A to Z dodging a curve ball - if I see them coming, or literally live among the nightmare of challenges and find a way to still keep seeing the sun at the other end? For those that know me well enough will know that it is all about my faith and hope that I hold in love. Love for me is the absolute core of living. I keep total faith and hope in God and find that if I, as a human put less emphasis on my situation and just trust it to HIM, then all will work out for me - for the better, just the way it is supposed to.
Yes, I also question this at times, although, as I am maturing I find my self doubting less and being more open to growth. I am a woman who has seen, heard and felt many things in areas of personal development and of course in relationships with people. The one area that I can say is the relationship between man and woman, this has certainly taught me many more things than any novel, movie or song.
The only words that have kept me 'sane' through these times of love, loss and post trauma are God's words. Each book, chapter, verse has touched my heart in ways that no real person walking the earth has. With this reason, I have chosen to lead my life as a Devotional Faith mentor or guide. It is up to you as to how you chose to 'title' me - for to tell you the truth, for many years I was struggling to 'title' myself, as unfortunately in this world that society has bought to us, people are looked upon by their 'rank'. I am some what comfortable with this as it is the only way to actually put what I do and who I am down on paper. Would it have the same effect if I wrote 'I am a person who reads the word of God and relates it to others' lives ie: situations and finds a solution to it by making reference to the 'B' book?
