I love more

So, sometimes life is not fair. I know it's not. I have lived through so many 'unfair' situations that if I really wanted to drown myself in them, I could most probably create a new found sea. How do I get through these unjust situations? Honestly, at first my instant reaction will be to cry my heart out. This will be followed by endless hours or even days curled up in bed or just being alone. Does this make me abnormal? No, on the contrary, it makes me just like you.
I felt like writing about this tonight as in the past I too have experienced emotions that have left me feeling confused and emotional. This can be due to learning more about myself as a woman in addition to certain life situations and as consequences to other's behaviors. Of course, this is in no way putting blame on any one, so if you happen to relate to anything I am sharing, I ask you to stand back and either learn from your actions, reflect or take this opportunity to realize how much you affected me personally.
In saying all the above, you are still in my life. Why? you may ask? As someone close to me once shared with me ' You are part of my past. Someone that meant something to me.' Irony also has it that this person is also the person who taught me love, laughter and life all at once. What an absolute privilege this is for them - I now think. At the time, confusion went through me. Now after the tears have dried up and my heart can slowly beat to a more peaceful rhythm, I love more.
What is this 'love' that I love more of? It is the love of me. My life. The life of everything I stand for as a woman. The love that I am able to give and be respected for. The love that will one day be reciprocated. This love I speak of is the love between an eternal relationship from a lover, best friend and life partner.To recognize the balance of honesty, loyalty, humility and respect on a neutral or common ground is of the up most importance.
It may be a little old fashioned, but this is the love I want. Will I ever receive it from anyone other than God as I do for him? Well, this still is to be seen. Life is filled with surprises. People don't change who they are, but they can adapt and see the true beauty in that person. For this beauty that they see, is the absolute key to longevity in love.
