To try is to give up.

As I am maturing I am more confident and independent in the area of what I want and also what I need not only on a personal level but also on a whole. I am not one to invest my self in a project and then give up. I most certainly am not the person who runs away and gives up or become someone I am not on a personal level especially when it comes to relationships. Bear in mind these relationships are those on all levels, personal and professional.
To 'try' is definately something that I have come across many times of late and I have addressed it in a previous article. How does one try to give? You either give or you don't. There really is no trickery or anything complex about it. You either want or you don't want. 
This 'try' gives you permission to give up even before you commence. I am a firm believer that to aim and compromise with how you want to get things done, especially when it involves another person is the only way forward to a happier and more fulfilling relationship. To 'try' is a negative act. Do you try to brush your teeth? Do you try to put your underwear on or get dressed? Do you try to love your family? NO. YOU JUST DO IT.
This same theory applies to relationships with others. When you just do it, there is less strain on the other and will lead to more happiness and satisfaction. Imagine your life if you just 'try' at everything? Its literally not possible to get any positive satisfaction out of it. You may agree or disagree with me,  either way I write on my personal life experience.
On a personal level, I have been 'tried' on or if you don't quiet understand what I mean - 
GIVEN UP ON. I am a person who gives more and receives less. To be among others who compliment you is the greatest gift you can give yourself. Work out how one another see and feel, communicate and yes, compromise as every relationship is worth it. I am not suggesting you compromise in an abusive relationship,  only those that are promising and you feel inside your head, heart and soul that they are worth your investment. Think of if it as a business transaction if you are having difficulty in comprehending my statement, will you invest in a property or business opportunity if the return isn't GREATER?
'Lilies time' artwork by Rosa Carrafa


  1. Well said Rosa. I love how you give whole-heartedly in everything you do. I love, love , love this artwork "Lillies time". Thank you again for sharing so much of yourself.

    1. Oh yes, I may appear quite confrontive how I write but its all from the soul. Not all may agree, but these emotions are all real to me.


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