You can live your life through your spiritual journey

You have given it all and now you are just stuck as to where to go with your abilities and how to go about using them. You may feel lost, a little scared and at the same time with a sense of overwhelming emotion going through every fiber of your body. Your muscles tense with anticipation to 'get out there' and run to the highest peak of the mountain to let out the loudest yelp of satisfaction and hear the music of your voice echo as it moves on as part of the wind. Your head is now numbing with anticipation to be heard and share all that you can to assist those seeking solace, peace, answers and also celebrate their life with. What if I tell you that all this that you are experiencing is very real and 'normal' to those who become awaken as spiritualists.

'I am who I am just as YOU are. We ALL have 'gifts & abilities '- its HOW you implement them. Yes, I come from generations of naturally blessed people. My parents/family passed were active members of the community who with their skills- spiritual, compassion & creative ; guided many on their paths to live their lives according to their dreams. I cannot change WHO I AM. I do read cards-my 1st experience with the Italian deck. I am among other family members who are natural healers & each of us have our own techniques. I come from a family with wholesome, spiritual & nurturing values that have seen so many people find comfort in & I welcome all those that are lead or inspired by my story to reach out if you would like to be exposed to something called 'CORNUCOPIA'. Energy exchange in currency is a way of living. It is the way of giving thanks which dates back to the beginning of Mankind. This exchange comes in varies forms. Those who have been mentored by myself will understand what this means.' 

These 'gifts' were awaken to me at the age of 14 when Angels spoke to me loud & clear. So not everyone sees, hears & feels like me! - WOW that was a wake up call! Till this day - I am still being challenged with what I do. Just remember, it is 'WHO I AM ' , I keep reminding myself.
My grandmother and those before me were also blessed with these gifts & I continue using 'old fashioned' or 'basic-no fuss' healing methods. I am all about the NOW how to assist YOU IN YOUR LIFE TODAY FOR A MORE SUCCESSFUL TOMORROW.
About me:
My earliest memory of having told of my abilities was at the age of 5 when my dreams were unfolding into reality and were actual premonitions of future events that later DID unfold as I grew up.
I have continued my 'work' overseas in Italy and Greece where I evolved further to learn the Traditional Rider Waite Tarot and began mentoring in HOW to translate or interpret the images to work with ones abilities for a clearer and insightful guidance session with the quarrent.
Over the years I have maintained a personal and professional lifestyle based on the code of ethics that we as those in this circle live by on a daily basis spiritually.
As a mother I have been blessed with children who are equally gifted and I lead them to trust their instincts.
I have a personal base of 'clients' which I have developed of my many years of just 'doing what I do naturally'.
I have an active facebook page that I have been encouraged to open in 2015 and this also has increased my relationships with International clients New Zealand, United States of America, United Kingdom & Asia, also with the continued support of my fellow Australians.

2015 was a great year for myself as I released my personally designed inspirational message cards. Each card consists of an original painting that I have created with an accompanying message that I received whilst I painted. I formally released them last September, 2015 and I also incorporate them with my guidance sessions. As an artist I have a page where I have also gained the courage to share my artworks. As a creative writer I have a blog. The main ingredient is KEEP FEEDING MY SOUL with WHO I AM & not what others perceive me to be.
2016 is taking off in ways I knew will happen but kept myself OPEN to receive. So, this year I finally took the plunge and worked hard at becoming accredited with the World Metaphysical Association. Following this achievement, I am a published author of inspirational messages that aims at reaching out to everyone who is keen at evolving with their personal self and those who educate others on their life journey. 
 I will then be on my way to my next chapter.


  1. Thank you Rosa for sharing who you are and part of your spiritual journey with us.

    1. It has taken many years to open up and share writings. Thank you for taking the time to read and comment on my writings .


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