The Australian Solstice 
The land of the bush fills the air with sweetness. 
As the eucalypt drapes gently over its branch, 
It begins to wilt and slowly split at the tip. 
Its beauty is captivating to the human eye, 
as it’s necessity for survival to our heritage makes us proud. 
The land of the bush welcomes the the sun. 
As the eucalypt nourishes our majestic creatures in the height of the heat, 
it takes its place in our great circle of survival in our land. 
The land of sweltering heat celebrates the solstice. 
As each creature peeks from their curious eyes longer than yesterday. 
Joy and grace is around us for today is the day of the solstice, 
 where one can live to see a few moments more of the land before you. 
This is the Australian solstice each year in December. 
~ written by Rosa Carrafa Author, Artist and Spiritualist
The Australian Solstice~Acrylic on canvas artist Rosa Carrafa
