In grief there is no time.

'In grief there is no time' ~ Rosa Carrafa
'Tick-tock with each second, the minutes becomes an hour.'

'In grief there is no time'~Rosa Carrafa 

'Tick-tock with each second, the minutes becomes an hour.
The hour turns to two, then it evolves to 
days, months and years.

Where have those moments gone?

With each breath I take, 
it reminds me of the last one they breathed.

With each thought, I pray that I never lose their image.

Their smile.
The last smile I saw on them.
Their eyes.
The last twinkle I saw on them.
Their laugh.
The last sound I heard from them.'

~RosaCarrafa~ Dedicated to my family.

A message to you from your loved ones passed:

'It is so OKAY to miss me each day. 
You are so loved by me and although you may at times feel alone, know that I hear you.' 

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Rosa Carrafa - Author, Artist and Spiritualist
'Aspects of Me' 

is now available at 


  1. Thank you for the message. Grief is so hard to deal with. Our memories keep them alive in our heart. I miss my loved ones every day too. I timely message for me x

    1. Dear Sharon, It is a hard one. Our only sense of having them close to us is just knowing that we are a part of them and them a part of us, especially when we have children. Thank you for sharing your heart on here x


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