My mother's voice.

'Reflection' Artist Rosa Carrafa

My mother's voice 

(Extract from 'Life is what happened' Rosa Carrafa Author Artist Spiritualist)

I know I can hear her. 

She is the gentle wind that brushes through my hair while sharing a tune that is filled with sweet soprano rhythm.

The music is of a sound that whispers her voice and caresses each note like a fragile white petal does the bud.

I close my eyes as my hair waves in directions that frees my soul. 
As it covers my face as I look down, covered in tears from the voice of the wind that is all familiar to me.

The tears move like streams and ripples that home natures creatures.

Just like I was once home in her arms as she spoke sweet words of music as I closed my eyes at night.

Just as the moon rose, I slept to the rhythm of her voice. 

Just as the sun rose, I woke to the rhythm of her voice.

Do you hear her?


  1. I loved reading this. Such a gentle, beautiful tribute to a loved one, that is full of emotion.

    1. Thank you Frank for the time you took in reading my heartfelt dedication to my mother and then to follow through with a comment. Rosa


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