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15 seconds to say or do something that will make a difference to you..WHAT WILL IT BE?

15 seconds to say or do something that will make a difference to you..WHAT WILL IT BE? I have asked this question often to those around me, the most common response is ‘make more money’ – SURPRISE!  No, really, it is not a surprise as the majority of humans want financial freedom for diverse reasons.  The most common is related to financial comfort- ie: supply for families, paying bills, debts, holidays and for health expenses. Why am I addressing this question?                There is so much going on around us on a daily basis and although, we are generally, charitable beings – personal needs in material and assets are important. Should you feel guilty for addressing this 15 seconds with ‘ I would like more money’?                 Heck NO! We live in a consumer based society and realistically, money is ‘what makes the world go round’. Without it how do we feed our families and provide the simple things yet necessary things that keep us from being cold, hungry and c

Spices of sweets

Spices of sweets It is another Easter and although I am not the only one feeling this way, that family reflection is obvious.  It brings me to remember all those moments of how we prepared for this celebration. It was all about family and food. Friends and more food. Life was so simple back when they were all with us. The laughter was always heard from one room to another. No one really fussed as in which house it was celebrated in, it just happened. Somehow and someway, it just happened. Even with those who we rare spoke to or rather not see, we just did it. We literally, got through each celebration just for the peace of it. I share this moment as my thoughts go to my grandmother, mamma' Rosa. She was this strong powerful spiritual woman whose four foot something in height was irrelevant to her persona. Mamma' was the matriarch and she had it all worked out, each year without fail. The desserts and foods of traditional momentum always just happened. There was not d

'EVERYONE is human'

'The cycle or lifespan between birth and death is very REAL. There is no denying that this cycle exists.' ~ Rosa Carrafa 'EVERYONE is human' ' EVERYONE grieves at some stage of their lives.  EVERYONE loses a loved one. EVERYONE cries through loss. EVERYONE wants to believe that this is merely a dream. EVERYONE remembers their last time with them. EVERYONE is born. EVERYONE dies.' ~  Rosa Carrafa Being up front about life and death can be daunting to some.  I am no stranger to grief, therefore makes me no different to you and others.  The cycle or lifespan between birth  and death is very  REAL. There is no denying that this cycle exists. It may be the only cycle in life  that we may agree on. HOW we see it and live it,  is the only difference. 'EVERYONE'  is my perception for the sake of  this piece of literacy. Do you have something to share? You are welcome to d

In grief there is no time.

'In grief there is no time' ~ Rosa Carrafa 'Tick-tock with each second, the minutes becomes an hour.' 'In grief there is no time' ~Rosa Carrafa  'Tick-tock with each second, the minutes becomes an hour. The hour turns to two, then it evolves to  days, months and years. Where have those moments gone? With each breath I take,  it reminds me of the last one they breathed. With each thought, I pray that I never lose their image. Their smile. The last smile I saw on them. Their eyes. The last twinkle I saw on them. Their laugh. The last sound I heard from them.' ~RosaCarrafa~  Dedicated to my family. A message to you from your loved ones passed: 'It is so OKAY to miss me each day.  You are so loved by me and although you may at times feel alone, know that I hear you.'  To receive creative and literacy updates of upcoming projects, please follow on:

What is the reality of your real life?

No Make up No filter ME ~RC What is the reality of your real life? Is it what you want others to see of you that drives you to create false or unreal expectations? Is it your fear of being excluded or not liked any more? It isn't an easy one to answer.  Do you hurt or pinch your ego? Yes, at times you may do so, but hey, it is life and it could be about time that you face it for how it really is. Is it time to take your make up off? Try it, you may even like the carefree feel of your face.  No longer being careful in case you rub your eyes and have the dark shades of your mascara around your eyes, no more being conscious of your lipstick staining your chin. Am I fearing of not being heard? No.  Am I fearing of not being seen? No. In fact I fear no more. It is so much easier to live without others expectations of me. My life is great as is. If I want changes, I make them. My determination has proved this theory above.  I

How will my mother look now?

'How will my mother look now?'~ Rosa Carrafa H ow will my mother look now? I look at myself as I stand in front of the mirror as I drape my fine knit cardigan over my shoulders and wonder,  ' would my mother have looked like me at my age?' I have only my thoughts to keep me from drawing her face as she may have been. How do I do this when I literally am living older than my mother?  I sigh a long heavy breath as a lean to my left side with my left hand on my waist and gently outline my jawline with my right. I touch my chin and then lean forward. My chin is that of my father's, with the little cleft in the center. I smile and my thoughts immediately went to my himas I remember him smiling while his chin was home to his deep cleft. My eyes wondered over my facial features in hope that I have something of my mother here in front of me. Maybe I have forgotten what she looked like? I panicked. I crossed my right arm across to m

My mother's voice.

'Reflection' Artist Rosa Carrafa My mother's voice  (Extract from 'Life is what happened' Rosa Carrafa Author Artist Spiritualist) I know I can hear her.  She is the gentle wind that brushes through my hair while sharing a tune that is filled with sweet soprano rhythm. The music is of a sound that whispers her voice and caresses each note like a fragile white petal does the bud. I close my eyes as my hair waves in directions that frees my soul.  As it covers my face as I look down, covered in tears from the voice of the wind that is all familiar to me. The tears move like streams and ripples that home natures creatures. Just like I was once home in her arms as she spoke sweet words of music as I closed my eyes at night. Just as the moon rose, I slept to the rhythm of her voice.  Just as the sun rose, I woke to the rhythm of her voice. Do you hear her?

‘Soft white flower - May 14, 1984’

'Whiltering Cala lilies' ~ Artist Rosa Carrafa ‘Soft white flower - May 14, 1984’ (Extract from 'Life is what happened' out soon based on true events and raw emotions from the eyes and heart of the 14 year old me) ~written by Rosa Carrafa My eyes wander through the wire mesh bed bunk above me. Seeing through the mattress and the bedding. How it would be to just fly and soar through the sky. Touch those soft clouds. Hugging them with my arms, caressing them with my long delicate young fingers. I ask the clouds ‘How much have you seen? How much have you heard?’ “I fly with grace. I smile with innocence. I laugh with joy. I cry with warm tears. I remain silent with fear.” They speak my thoughts. Why? Confusion runs through my veins. Loud voices. Hysteria. Cries. Doors open. Doors shut. Telephone ring. Doorbell chiming.

Believe & Forgive.

Believe and Forgive "In times of doubt.  Believe.  In times of darkness.  Believe.  In times of ignorance.  Forgive.  In times of hurt.  Forgive.  In times of others not seeing you as you are  - BELIEVE that FORGIVENESS  will heal your wounds of  doubt,  darkness,  ignorance  and   hurt.  You are human too"  Amen.  ~ RC Do not be faithless, but believing - John 20-27

Read. Read.Read.

" Read. Read. Read.  I have had the love of reading from the very first time I understood what those letters were in front of me as a little girl. I was addicted to words, books, paper and the SMELL of a new book as I flicked the pages of it in front of my nose. Wondering, what was in between the pages.  Where will my imagination of bringing those characters to life take me?  Read. Read. Read .  It exercises your imagination!" ~ RC Read. Artist unknown.

What is truth?

Carlo Baldessari Simelli; Date created: 1860sption What is truth? "Your truth may not be my truth. Your truth hides between your cold breath. Your truth lingers on your twisted tongue. My truth is  warm on my breath. My truth rolls from my soft tongue. I dare you to speak your lies that you say truth. I stand tall over you as you now shrink in your lies. " ~ RC

You take only what I give.

Golden sun meets My confidence - Artworks Rosa Carrafa "Your eyes pierce me as you look from a far. I stop with fear. Your gaze has me still as you talk with your eyes. I stand with fear. Your rays of heat that penetrate from your eyes, burn mine. I shiver with fear. You blink as you step closer, yet your eyes don't move. I sigh as I remember how tired of fearing I am. You can take only what I give. I give you no more. " ~RC

The grace of love

The grace of love “The shift of love is around us. Do we question it or flow with it? We want love more than any other emotion. Yet we fear it when we have it and Crave it when we don’t. Feel the heartbeat of your heart, What do you feel? Is it not the rhythm of your existence? Close your eyes and reflect on how Much love you feel and want to give. With this balance, welcome the shift. Hold on to the space that leaves you Vulnerable. Reach out your hands and turn them upward, For this will capture the grace of love that is Falling towards you. “
The Australian Solstice  The land of the bush fills the air with sweetness.  As the eucalypt drapes gently over its branch,  It begins to wilt and slowly split at the tip.  Its beauty is captivating to the human eye,  as it’s necessity for survival to our heritage makes us proud.  The land of the bush welcomes the the sun.  As the eucalypt nourishes our majestic creatures in the height of the heat,  it takes its place in our great circle of survival in our land.  The land of sweltering heat celebrates the solstice.  As each creature peeks from their curious eyes longer than yesterday.  Joy and grace is around us for today is the day of the solstice,   where one can live to see a few moments more of the land before you.  This is the Australian solstice each year in December.  ~ written by Rosa Carrafa Author, Artist and Spiritualist The Australian Solstice~Acrylic on canvas artist Rosa Carrafa